Snapchat’s building out new AR for eCommerce, JLo hosting on the Virtual Snapchat Stage, and Instagram takes the lead in Ad Revenue.

Platform Updates

Snapchat Takes its AR Tools to the Next Level for eCommerce

 Last week, Snap Inc. took its long-term investment in augmented reality (AR) to the next level by introducing Shopping Lenses. These Catalog-Powered Shopping Lenses provide a more personal and accessible shopping experience for consumers through providing virtual try-on options for a range of products. The lenses will display the product details and link to the brand’s product catalog, providing a unique opportunity for brands to drive product purchases and increase sales. Ulta Beauty, Dior, and Mac Cosmetics are the first brands to use this savvy shopping feature to interact with their customers on Snapchat. The platform expects additional brands to release lenses soon.

It’s important to note that Snap Inc. is one of many players in the Augmented Reality space race. Last week Pinterest expanded its AR capabilities, allowing customers to preview how furniture and other home decor products will look in their space on the Pinterest app. In addition, Meta and Apple are working on wearable AR technology.

 Marketing By The Numbers

$24.46 Billion

Instagram had $26.46 Billion in US ad revenues last year, helping overtake its sister app Facebook by this measure.

Source: eMarketer

6 Billion

Snapchatters are now engaging with AR more than 6 billion times per day.

Source: Newsroom


In a recent study, 81% of respondents noted that online privacy is important. At the same time, only 65% indicated that they’re satisfied with their current privacy options.

Source: Social Media Today

Brand Updates

Virtual JLo Concert Takes Snapchat Stage 

First-of-its-kind on Snapchat, JLo, and Maluma are Bitmoji hosts for virtual concert premiering music for the upcoming movie Marry Me. This metaverse-like space on Snapchat allows all the avatars in attendance to create unique immersive experiences. The entire event tied back to your Snapchat involvement and included capabilities, such as triggering lasers, releasing virtual doves, and practicing your dance moves during the event.

This virtual concert is just the beginning of these spaces for Snapchat. It will provide many learnings on the metaverse shift and how users engage on the platform. The Snapchat-metaverse comes with its pre-existing user base which allows for brands to jump in line to test how their current audience on the platform could respond to a metaverse ecosystem. We will be eager to see the options that open for more brands to create their own experiences.